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SURRENDER (The Ferryman + The Flame)
SURRENDER (The Ferryman + The Flame) Read online
“My head is still spinning a bit about the plot though because I can't believe it. It's better than ice cream for a break up. The plot was original, the characters were relatable and down to earth despite not living on Earth.”—Courtney at Readable Charper
“Surrender is definitely full of emotion and will take you on an incredible journey through the eyes of these two incredible characters.” —Lucy at Moonlight Gleam
“Reading this book felt like reading a classic, but with everything I love in a book: romance, heartbreak, and lots of action! I would recommend this book to EVERYONE and then dare them not to fall in love with it!”—Sammie Spencer, Author of Amaretto Flame
“Rhiannon Paille creates a unique and beautiful world that will draw you in and make you remember what it was like to be young, innocent, and full of wonder.” —Cory Putman Oakes, Author of The Veil
“Surrender is hands down one of my favorite fantasy books ever. YA or not, this is just pure awesomeness and every fantasy fan should read it. It's a delectable, rich in detail, numbingly brilliant and swoon-worthy read that you can't afford to miss out on.” —Evie at Bookish Evie
Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman.
One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn't listen, and because of what she is—a Flame—one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war. In a desperate attempt to save her home and her love, Kaliel tries to awaken Avred, not knowing she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Copyright © Rhiannon Paille, 2012
All Rights Reserved.
Cover art by Marc Wolfe
Cover design by Ashley Marie de la Rosa
Sketches by Primo Cardinalli, Marc Wolfe
Map by Christopher Boll
Summary: Kaliel was warned about her love for the Ferryman. One day he will marry the land and leave Avristar forever. She doesn’t listen, and because of what she is—a flame, one of nine apocalyptic weapons, she sparks a war.
[1. Fantasy 2. Young Adult 3. Paranormal Romance 4. Gay and Lesbian ]
I. Title. II. Series: Paille, Rhiannon: The Ferryman and the Flame; bk. 1
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead; is coincidental and not intended by the author.
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise—without the prior written and signed permission of the copyright owner.
For Michael,
This is our story.
Author’s Note
Once upon a time I wrote non fiction. Gritty, ugly facts splattered on paper and fed to the masses. Needless to say the non fiction wasn’t my favorite thing to write. Throughout my journey to self discovery (which consisted of a lot of studying and writing weird essays) a story began to form. In its original rough form a Ferryman traveled to Avalon and met a pretty girl with long white hair and green eyes. This girl was a Flame, one of nine weapons made to destroy the world as we know it. She lived with her friend Puck, and her elder Desaunius. Titania and Oberon were the sovereigns of Avalon, and Morgan Le Fay wasn’t there, not yet. There was a sisterhood in the East, and I imagine that’s where all the King Arthur stories came from, but King Arthur had nothing to do with my story. My story was about the Ferryman nobody thought much of, and the Flame everyone thought was destined for greatness and how together they created catastrophes together.
The story was never nice, but the elements surrounding their disastrous ends were parts of very different myths. Nobody seems to know the Flame was ever in Avalon, or that the Ferryman was there too. Ferrymen are from Greek mythology, Flames are loosely from Eastern Mythology (Asia if you will) yet in my mind they were both on Avalon at the time same (long before King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay) and they fell in love, which really was the wrong thing to do.
Of course in those days the inhabitants of Avalon didn’t call it Avalon, and they didn’t know much about Ferrymen or Flames. Titania, Oberon and Puck didn’t know the names Shakespeare gave them, so they gave themselves different names. And like all good stories there are people who you’ve never met before within the pages. People like Desaunius, Mallorn, and Adoron.
Of course, you’ve never met Kaliel and Krishani either, but you will, and maybe by the end of this story you’ll understand exactly why Kemplan destroyed everything he could find about the Flames.
But I digress. Since I couldn’t pass this story off as non fiction (because the only thing Kemplan sees as non fiction are things his Scryes write) I decided it would have to be fiction. Everything that happens in this story is fictional, except for the places and the characters.
This isn’t the Avalon you know, or the Ferryman you know, and you never knew the Flame so I don’t know why I’d even bother mentioning her, but she’s definitely not Eastern Mythology’s version. She’s really nothing like the karmic debt vacuum cleaner they make her out to be.
Once upon a time she was just a girl who happened to have the power to cause an apocalypse, and she fell in love with a boy who happened to follow death and they happened to meet on Avalon, (which was really just a hidden island on Earth) and they happened to cause a catastrophe.
I’ll stop rambling and let you read the book now, but I thought all of these things were things you might need to know.
Rhiannon Paille
The Ferryman + The Flame Master Companion
FAIR WARNING: This guide contains spoilers and info that even my characters don’t know yet. To make matters worse, the characters sometimes get their information wrong because again, they don’t know. To make things even more confusing, some characters have opinions that differ from the facts, which may or may not conflict with this guide. Read at your own risk, it’ll help with some things, and with others it’ll at least give you some of the background info into the series.
Isle of Avristar Traditions and Word Usages:
Lands: The World (usually meaning a single planet)
Lands Across the Stars: The Universe (usually meaning planets that are scattered across the sky.)
Lands of Men: Home to humans, Earth is over there somewhere too.
Lands of Immortals: Home to elvens, fae, draconians and other creatures who live for a long time.
Lands of Beasts: Home to demons and nasty creatures.
Land of the Dead: That place nobody ever goes to or talks about.
Kinfolk: people, children, an assortment of fae, elven, feorns, centaurs, shee. It’s a catch all for all types of mythological creatures living on Avristar.
Moons: months
Summers: years
Marry the Land: literal, meaning to marry Avristar, the Female Spirit of the Land. This is a tradition that occurs around a kinfolk’s twenty fifth summer. It ensures the kinfolk protection, signifies adulthood and loyalty to their home.
Journey to the Great Oak: a journey all kinfolk take around their fifteenth summer to learn their destiny. Half the battle is decoding the parables the Great Oak speaks in.
Fire Festival: a bi-annual festival held in the Royal City on Orlondir during Samhain and Beltane. The idea is that they light bonfires, hold games, a feast, and bless the land. It’s the two most important events of the year for the kinfolk.
Children of Avristar: literal, meaning Children born in thickets of grass, hollows of trees or beds of flowers. Children of Avristar cannot have their own children unless given t
hat right by Avristar herself.
First Era (Circa, 65 Million Years Ago): Lands Across the Stars were in their birth and growth stages, the Valtanyana was forming and gaining more and more power.
Second Era (Circa, 150,000 years ago—5000BCE): Lands Across the Stars were almost completely destroyed, rebuilding stages, the Valtanyana were locked in Avrigost, High King Tor ruled from the Great Hall.
Third Era (Circa, 5,000BCE—Present Day): Lands Across the Stars were reclaimed by the Valtanyana, chaos is erupting on every Land, technology is on the rise, magic is banned on some Lands.
Creatures on Avristar:
Elven: tall, pale skin, elongated ears
Feorn: part wolf, part man, wolf-like feet, hairy, small pointed ears
Fae: glass-like faces, tall, paper thin wings, elongated ears, pale skin
Shee: six to twelve inches tall, glittery, wings, pale
Centaurs: part human, part horse
Gargoyles: bat-like wings, smushy faces, turn to stone in daylight,
Humans: tanned, short, dull features
Other Creatures:
Vultures / Wraiths: darkness embodied, soul eaters
Draconians: humanoid dragons
Mithronians: humanoid dinosaurs (specifically triceretops)
Goblins: gangly malformed humanoid creatures, floating eyes, long arms, elephant man-like.
Drow: black skinned Elvens, also known as “creatures” simply because my characters didn’t know what the technical term for them was.
Kaliel of Evennses: (cal-ee-elle of Evan-sess):
The Amethyst Flame from the First Era. She’s been reborn as a Child of Avristar, a second chance after all of the destruction in the First Era.
Krishani of Amersil: (krish-aw-nee of Am-er-sill):
The Ferryman from the First Era. He’s been reborn and sent to Avristar by his ancestors the Tavesin Family from Terra (Earth), the Lands of Men. They’re passing him off as a Child of Avristar until he can safely return to Terra and take his rightful place as the Ferryman.
Pux of Evennses:
A feorn (half wolf, half man) who is considered invalid and will never amount to greatness. He’s a hidden genius. Later revealed as the son of Lady Atara.
Inhabitants of the Isle of Avristar:
Luenelle of Evennses (Loo-en-elle): Elven, Child of Avristar. House Master at the House of Kin, Evennses.
Desaunius of Evennses (Dess-aw-nee-us): Tempie, High King Tor’s former betrothed, originated from Tempia, fled to Avristar due to the wars with the Valtanyana. Kaliel’s first mentor.
Lady Atara, Sovereign of Avristar: Elven, Child of Avristar, Appointed in the First Era, married to both Avristar herself and Lord Istar. Kaliel’s second mentor.
Mallorn the Kiirar (Kee-rawr): Elven, Fled to Avristar from Talanisdir, Lands of Immortals due to the wars with the Valtanyana.
Adoron of Amersil (A-door-on): Elven, Child of Avristar, has lived in Avristar all his life. Krishani’s first elder
Lord Istar, Sovereign of Avristar: Elven, Child of Avristar. Appointed in the First Era, is married to both Avristar herself and Lady Atara. Krishani’s second elder.
Benir of Amersil (Ben-eer): Elven, Child of Avristar. Member of the Brotherhood of Amersil, loyal to High King Tor. Krishani’s friend
Melianna of Handele (Mel-ee-anna): Elven, Daughter of General Handele, leader of the Armies of Avristar. Lady Atara’s servant, lives in the Royal City of Orlondir.
Handele of Avristar (Hand-elle): Elven, Child of Avristar, General of the Armies of Avristar. Travels in the Lands of Men.
Hernadette of Avristar: Feorn, Child of Avristar. Lives in the Royal City of Orlondir, servant, one of the oldest Children of Avristar.
Shimma, Daughter of Lord Istar of Avristar: Witch, half human, half elven. Istar’s youngest daughter, grew up in Avristar, escaped to Nimphalls, Lands of Men, returned due to the unrest in those lands.
Kuruny, Daughter of Lord Istar of Avristar: (Koo-roo-nee) Witch, half human, half elven. Istar’s daughter, grew up in Avristar, escaped to Nimphalls, Lands of Men, returned due to the hex placed upon her by the humans.
Kazza, Daughter of Lord Istar of Avristar: Witch, half human, half elven. Istar’s eldest daughter, grew up in Avristar, escaped to Nimphalls, Lands of Men, returned due to the growing unrest in those lands.
Wraynas of Orlondir (Ray-ness): Feorn. Son of Falnir of Amersil, lives in Hawklin, Orlondir, Isle of Avristar.
Falnir of Orlondir (Fall-near): Feorn. Wraynas’s Father, former Champion in the Armies of Avristar.
Kiirar of the Shee: Nameless, lives in the Village of the Shee, speaks on behalf of Avred the Male Spirit of the Land. (see Creatures)
The Gatekeeper: Nameless, lives at the peak of Mount Tirion, speaks on behalf of Avristar, the Female Spirit of the Land.
Avristar: Has been around since before the First Era, a living, breathing island. She is often known as the Female Spirit of the Land. In Celtic lore she is called the Dan, Bredan, or Dana.
Avred: Has been around since before the First Era, a living, breathing land mass. He is often known as the Male Spirit of the Land. In Celtic lore he is called the Dan, Bredan, or Dana.
The Great Oak: located at the border of Amersil and Evennses, this tree provides guidance to all kinfolk from Evennses and Amersil. Could be considered a Spirit of the Land but it’s actually an Ent (tree people, it’s Tolkien.)
Inhabitants of Terra, Lands of Men:
Tulsen Tavesin: King of part of Terra, Watcher to the Ferryman / Valkyries. He trains them.
Talina Tavesin: wife of Tulsen Tavesin. Elven heritage, from Nazole, considered noble rank.
Bethula: human, works in the barns with the animals.
Hyatt: Bethula’s husband, works in the barns with the animals.
Jack: Bethula and Hyatt’s son, Pux’s love interest.
Rand: Shaman of the people living in the village near the cove.
Inhabitants of Amaltheia, Lands of Men:
King Telper: King of part of Amaltheia, Watcher to the Ferryman / Valkyries.
Havelir: Child of Avristar, Ambassador to the Lands of Men, King Telper’s advisor.
Aulises: Theif’s daughter,
Ambrose Telper: Ferryman for Amaltheia.
Klavotesi, The Obsidian Flame of Justice:
Inhabitants of Nimphalls, Lands of Men:
Clamose, The Azurite Flame of Knowledge: (see, The Flames)
Inhabitants of Nazole, Lands of Immortals:
Queen Satarine:
Lotesse, The Emerald Flame of Innocence: (see, The Flames)
Inhabitants of Zanandir, Lands of Immortals:
Cossisea, The Ruby Flame of War: (see, The Flames)
Shezeel, The Quartz Flame of Magic: (see, The Flames)
King Orneshon: lives on one of Zanandir’s moons in the City of the Moon.
Inhabitants of Cam-Wethrin, Lands of Beasts:
Lorac: formerly from Nazole, Lands of Immortals. Leader of one of the factions of Daed, responsible for resurrecting Crestaos.
Valtor: formerly of Veldemar, Lands of Beasts. Second in command of the same Daed faction, has tattoos that crawl across his face.
Delotha: formerly from Hadwen, Lands of Beasts. Considered the brute force.
Turon: formerly of Metaphis, Lands of Immortals. Considered the scientist.
Azdrach: formerly of Talanisdir, Lands of Immortals. Considered the psychic.
Hortis: formerly of Nazole, Lands of Immortals. Considered the apprentice.
Narwa: formerly of Zanandia, Lands of Immortals. Considered the languages expert.
The Valtanyana (a.k.a. The Powers That Be): A brethren of eleven powerful kings and queens whose only goal is to gain absolute power over the Lands Across the Stars.
Crestaos (cress-tae-oss): Elven. Former ruler of Nazole, Lands of Immortals.<
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Rahedra (rah-hee-drah): Elven. Former ruler of Talanisdir, Lands of Immortals.
Morgana (more-ganne-ah): Human. Former ruler of Terra, Lands of Men. Dead.
Cassareece (cass-ah-rees): Elven. Former ruler of Lands of Immortals. Dead.
Darkesh (dark-esh): Dragon-like, Beast. Former ruler of Cryzole.
Grimassi (grimm-ass-ee): Human. Former ruler of Nimphalls.
Pendalyn (pen-dah-lin): Human. Former ruler of Seventia.
Zion (zie-on): Spider-like, Beast. Former ruler of Cam-Wethrin.
Syx (six): Griffon-like, Beast. Former ruler of Sallas.
Quinna (quinn-ah): Human. Former ruler of Amaltheia. Dead.
Joviasson (joe-vie-ass-on): Kraken-like, Beast. Former ruler of Lakemnia.
High King Tor of the Lands of Peace: twelfth member of the Valtanyana, defeated them in the First Era
The Daed: anarchists from the Lands of Men, Lands of Immortals and Lands of Beasts. The loyal followers of the Valtanyana.
Notable Daed Warriors: Lorac, Valtor, Delotha, Azdrach, Hortis, Turon, Narwa
The Grindamars: bounty hunters from the Lands of Immortals
The Zephyrs: bounty hunters from the Lands of Beasts
The Horsemen: (a.k.a. the Horsemen of the Apocalypse) assassins from the Lands of Men
Notable Horsemen: Mythos, Zanthose, Pronose, Cronose
The Flames:
A collection of weapons created to defeat the Valtanyana. Also known as the hand-crafted jewels of the universe, each of them is one of a kind.
Emerald Flame of Innocence
Name: Lotesse (low-tess)
Land: Nazole, Lands of Immortals